Thomas Services Intl. LLC

List Name: Tomtotom1 Campaign

Thomas Services Intl. LLC
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Traffic Secrets released in 2010
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Rebranding is the process by which a product or service
developed with one brand or company or product line affiliation
is marketed or distributed with a different identity. This
involves radical changes to the brand's logo, brand name, image,
marketing strategy, and advertising themes. It usually results
in the repositioning of the brand / company. It may just involve
merely superficial changes. Rebranding can be applied to either
new products, mature products, or even unfinished products.

List Name: Tomtotom1 Campaign

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Hi Jerry,

Okay, you've got the above code copied and pasted into a Word document (or notepad or whatever word processing program you use) right? Label that Blog 1.

Next, log into your blog. Once you're in your dashboard, select View Blog. This should bring your blog up and every editable area will have a little wrench and screwdriver icon in the lower right hand corner. Select the one that has your networkedblogs widget in it and that should bring up the widget in HTML code. Copy and Paste that code into a blank word Doc and title it Blog 2. Don't log out of your blog, you'll be using it again in a sec.

Now, the code above is from the widget on Networked Blogs' blogger page. There are 4 BOLD areas (one is blue, the other three are in black) that you need to change in order for it to be customized for your personal blog.

Open Blog 2 (that has YOUR blog widget info) and search for the area that matches the bold blue area above (""). Highlight that entire URL between the "..." and copy and paste that into document BLOG 1. Basically, you're redirecting the widget info from networked blogs to your blog. (MPORTANT: Make sure the " " are around the length of that long URL)

Next step: Go back to Blog 2 and find YOUR blog id (ex: the 2nd and 4th BOLD instances from the code above) Copy your blogID from Blog 2 and replace it in those TWO instances in the document BLOG 1. (make sense? Sorry, this can be kind of confusing).

Final step: Go back to Blog 2 and find your blog name in the code. (ex: it is the 3rd BOLD instance in the code above) Copy your blog name from the document Blog 2 and replace it in BLOG 1. (IMPORTANT: Make sure the " " are around the blog name).

Now, working with BLOG 1 (which now has YOUR info) copy ALL the code. Go back to your blog's widget and paste the new info there. Save and you should be good to go. Anyone who is already following your blog through networked blogs will automatically show up in the widget. The only down side to this is I didn't figure out how to alter the height and width of the widget, so if you don't have a lot of followers yet, there will be empty space to fill up :)

I hope this is clearer, but if it's still too confusing send me the link to your blog and I should be able to view the code and make the alterations for you!



Wednesday, July 13, 2011

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Monday, July 4, 2011

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Saturday, July 2, 2011