USA Today leads newspapers in circulation, followed by 2) The Wall Street Journal, 3) The New York Times, 4) The Los Angeles Times and 5) The New York Post.
The top five countries with the largest numbers of Internet users from the 2006 survey were: 1) the United States, 2)
China, 3) Japan, 4) India and 5) Germany.
On May 17th, 1792, the New York Stock Exchange was formed.
In 1792, 24 brokers met in New York City and formed the New York Stock Exchange.
"Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph."
--Haile Selassie (1892-1975) Emperor of Ethiopia
When is a star is born.
Smaller stars' nuclear careers generally end with the burning of core helium. But big stars start burning the carbon and oxygen fused in the helium reaction, too. They go on to produce elements like neon, magnesium, silicon, and sulfur. Then they burn the silicon to produce iron. Such stars wind up layered like onions--with a central core of iron, surrounded by layers of burning silicon, magnesium, neon, oxygen, carbon, helium, and hydrogen.
How much is a septillion?
In the U.S. and France, a septillion is represented by the number 1 followed by 24 zeroes; in Great Britain and Germany, it is the number 1 followed by 42 zeroes.
How are termite queens different from bees and ants?
Termite queens are fertilized regularly by the same mate for life, unlike bee and ant queens, whose male partners die after the first and only mating.
How large is the West Wind Drift?
The West Wind Drift, one of the main ocean currents in the southern hemisphere, carries 2,000 times more water than the Amazon River. It flows more than twice as fast as a person can swim.
How does a dolphin sleep?
Dolphins swim in circles while they sleep with the eye on the outside of the circle open to keep watch for predators. After a certain amount of time, they reverse and swim in the opposite direction with the opposite eye open
In 2007, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter called the George W. Bush presidency "the worst in history." A Bush spokesman said Carter had become increasingly irrelevant with such "reckless" remarks.
Remember tonight.. for it is the beginning of always.
[walter thomas jr, 2008
Was Elagabalus a traditionalist?
During his rule, Elagabalus (c. 203 – March 11, 222) showed a disregard for Roman religious traditions and sexual taboos. He was married as many as five times and is reported to have prostituted himself in the imperial palace. Elagabalus replaced Jupiter, head of the Roman pantheon, with a new god, Deus Sol Invictus, and forced leading members of Rome's government to participate in religious rites celebrating this deity, which he personally led.
I find that it is not the circumstances in which we are placed, but the spirit in which we face them, that constitutes our comfort.
-Dr. Patrick Gentempo
In 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge was opened to the public, linking Brooklyn and Manhattan Island.
Orleans, Vt., Answer Man-er Norman MacFarlane tells us the five boroughs are Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island.
In 2005, Amnesty International accused the Bush administration of "atrocious" human rights violations at Guantanamo Bay, Afghanistan and Iraq.
Also in 2006, Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling, former officers of Enron Corp., were convicted in Houston federal court of conspiracy and securities fraud.
In 1790, the first U.S. census showed a population of 3,929,214 people in 17 states.
In 1995, Westinghouse Electric Corp. announced it was buying CBS, one day after Disney announced its purchase of Capital Cities/ABC.
What makes an Arabian horse different?
Arabian horses have one less vertebra in their backbones than other horses.
Manifesting Bookmarks,
Manifesting Bookmarks - How many times have you been reading a book and paused to think, "why isn't my life like that?" or "that's what I want!"? It is said that you only need to hold a thought for 17 seconds to attract the energy vibration to bring you what you want, or at least the opportunity. To use these bookmarks, simply use it similar to a mala. Run your fingers over each bead while keeping the pure and focused thoughts about what you want in your life. When you have gone over all of the beads holding each for 1 second, the 17 seconds has transpired.
The power of the word is real whether or not you are conscious of it. Your own words are the bricks and mortar of the dreams you want to realize. Behind every word flows energy.
-Sonia Choquette
How old can an olive tree get?
Olive trees can attain a great age. Some in the eastern Mediterranean are estimated to be over 2,000 years old. They grow to a height of 20 to 40 feet and begin to bear fruit between 4 and 8 years old. It takes a ton of olives produces about 50 gallons of oil.
What happened to the state of Franklin?
Until 1796, there was a state in the United States called Franklin. Today it is known as Tennessee.
How does a dog know when to cross the street?
The seeing-eye dog, or any dog trained to guide the blind, cannot tell a red light from a green one. When it lead its master across the street, it watches the traffic flow to tell when it is safe to cross.
Which disease is the most devastating?
In all of history, the most destructive disease is malaria. More than 1.5 million people die from malaria every year.
On August 6th, 1806, Francis II abdicated, ending the Holy Roman Empire.
In 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Three days later, after Nagasaki also was bombed, Japan surrendered, ending World War II.
In 1995, some 100,000 people attended a memorial service in Hiroshima, Japan, to mark the 50th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing that helped end World War II.
Also in 2006, the Los Angeles Times said newly declassified Army files confirm U.S. atrocities in Vietnam were more extensive than reported with at least 320 alleged incidents.
How much energy does a nova release?
A typical nova explosion releases about as much energy as the Sun emits in 10,000 years, or as much as in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 nuclear bombs
Which mammal lives longest?
The human being is the longest-lived of all existing mammals.
The three branches are the Executive or presidential branch, the Legislative or congressional branch and the Judicial or Supreme Court branch. [u.s. government branches]
In 1776, a committee of Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson suggested the United States adopt "E pluribus unum" -- "Out of many, one" -- as the motto for its Great Seal.
In 1993, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was sworn in as the U.S. Supreme Court's 107th justice and second female member.
In 2007, the U.S. Federal Reserve put a reported $72 billion into the American financial system over two days to steady the volatile markets that fell in response to losses in the U.S. mortgage market.
Also in 1998, British Petroleum announced it would merge with Amoco Corp. in what would be the largest takeover of an American company by a foreign company.
How hot is the sun?
If a pin was heated to the same temperature as the center of the Sun, its heat would set alight everything within 60 miles of it.
How long is a rataan palm stem?
Rattan palms found in the jungles of Southeast Asia have vinelike stems that trail along the jungle floor up to 250 feet in all directions.
In 1898, a peace protocol was signed, ending the Spanish-American War. The United States acquired Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines and annexed Hawaii.
In 1992, U.S. President George H.W. Bush signed a free trade pact with Mexico and Canada, creating the world's largest free trade bloc.
Which country uses the most fragrance?
It can cost up to $20 million to launch a new fragrance. Saudi Arabia reportedly has the highest per capita fragrance use in the world, at more than a quart a year for every man, woman, and child.
Is there a drug named after a Nazi dictator?
The generic name of the drug methadone is dolophine. It was named in honor of Adolph Hitler.
How rapidly does a snake digest?
It takes about 50 hours for a snake to digest one frog.
A man is the sum of his actions, of what he has done, of what he can do, Nothing else. If you do not think about your future, you cannot have one. [2008]
What's the difference between California and Florida fruit?
Because of its hot, damp climate, Florida produces thin-skinned juicy fruits; California’s drier climate, by contrast, produces thick-skinned, sweet “eating” oranges.
In 1914, a U.S. ship sailed from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, officially opening the Panama Canal.
In 1947, India and Pakistan won their independence from Great Britain.
In 1985, South African President P.W. Botha, rejecting Western pleas to abolish apartheid, declared, "I am not prepared to lead white South Africans and other minority groups on a road to abdication and suicide."
In 1987, more than 13.5 inches of rain drenched the Chicago area, causing more than $100 million in damage.
In 1995, the Justice Department agreed to pay $3.1 million to white separatist Randall Weaver, whose wife and teenage son were killed by FBI sharpshooters during a standoff at his Idaho cabin three years earlier.
In 2003, Libya admitted responsibility for the 1988 bombing of a Pan Am airliner over Lockerbie, Scotland, that claimed 270 lives and agreed to pay reparations that reports say could total $2.7 billion.
What happened to Charles I-V?
King Charles VII, who was assassinated in 1167, was the first Swedish king with the name of Charles. Charles I, II, III, IV, V, never existed. No one knows why. To add to the mystery, almost 300 years went by before there was a Charles VIII (1448-57).
"No matter how old you get, if you can keep the desire to be creative, you're keeping the man-child alive."
-- John Cassavetes, actor
"Creative minds always have been known to survive any kind of bad training."
-- Anna Freud, founder of child psychoanalysis
Alfred Nobel, who invented explosives and then lamented what he felt was their misuse, established the famed Nobel Prize program of international awards.
Are mountains higher than the ocean is deep?
Given their sheer volume, 99 percent of the living space on the planet is found in the oceans. The average depth of the oceans is 2.5 miles (4 km). The deepest point lies in the Mariana Trench, 6.8 miles (10.9 km) down. By way of comparison, Mount Everest is only 5.5 miles (8.8 km) high.
How fast is a cough?
The rush of air produced by a cough moves at a speed approaching 600 miles per hour.
Which is the largest Spanish-speaking country?
Mexico is the largest Spanish-speaking country and the second-largest Roman Catholic nation in the world.
How many windows does the Empire State Building have?
The Empire State Building in New York City has 6,400 windows.
How many blood vessels do we have?
If all the blood vessels in a single human body were stretched end to end, they would form a string capable of going around the world.
In 1533, Atahualpa, last of the Inca rulers, was strangled under orders of Spanish conqueror Francisco Pizarro. The Inca Empire died with him.
A man may fulfill the object of his existence by asking a question he cannot answer, and attempting a task he cannot achieve.
A thought is often original, though you have uttered it a hundred times.
Classic Quotes by Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (1809-1894) US writer, scientist, scholar
How many people live in Antarctica?
Antarctica's inhabitants number about 1,000 people in winter and about 2,000 in summer. More people fill a football stadium for one game than have ever been to Antarctica, which is nearly twice the size of the United States. In fact, the Ross Ice Shelf, hundreds of feet thick, is about the same size in land area as France.
In 1994, the Lockheed and Martin Marietta corporations agreed to a merger that would create the largest U.S. defense contractor.
How many ways can you begin a chess game?
The number of possible ways of playing just the first four moves on each side in a chess game is 318,979,564,000.
Where are the world's best restaurants?
A Visa Global ATM Network survey of international travelers revealed that the best restaurants in the world are in Paris, France. Second place was awarded to Rome, and third place went to Hong Kong.
Why does a whip crack?
A whip makes a cracking sound because its tip moves faster than the speed of sound.
Sound is a vibration that travels through an elastic medium as a wave. The speed of sound describes how much distance such a wave travels in a certain amount of time. In SI Units with dry air at 20 °C (68 °F), the speed of sound is 343 m/s. This also equates to 1235 km/h, 767 mph, 1125 ft/s. At such speeds, sound can travel a mile in- approximately five seconds. Although it is commonly used to refer specifically to air, the speed of sound can be measured in virtually any substance. Sound travels faster in liquids and non-porous solids than it does in air.
Which city is the sunniest?
Yuma, Arizona has the most sun of any locale in the U.S. - it averages sunny skies 332 days a year.
In 1996, Israeli police opened fire on Palestinians rioting over the new tunnel entrance beneath the Temple Mount. The fighting ended four days later with about 70 killed and hundreds injured.
How long was the 'Yangle dadian?'
The "Yongle dadian," an encyclopedia of the Chinese Ming dynasty, had 22,937 chapters in 10,000 volumes. Over 2,000 Chinese scholars worked on the book for 5 years before it was finished.
How much does an ostrich weigh?
The average adult male ostrich, the world's largest living bird, weighs up to 345 pounds.
In 1996, rebels seized control of Afghanistan from the previous rebel group that had taken the country from Moscow. The new rebels hanged Afghani leader Najibullah
and his brother.
Mankind are governed more by their feelings than by reason.
The Constitution shall never be construed... to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms. Samuel Adams
At around 8 feet, the male African ostrich is the tallest. The bird weighs in at around 340 pounds.
In 1991, the Senate confirmed Clarence Thomas as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court by a vote of 52-48, the closest confirmation vote in court history.
In 1999, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the international group Doctors Without Borders.
Also in 2003, China became the third nation to launch a man into space. He landed safely the next day after orbiting the Earth 14 times.
In 1701, Yale University was founded.
Does the time on Saturn pass faster or slower?
One year on Saturn is 29 and a half times longer than ours, but its day is shorter than ours, 11 and a half hours. Time, of course, actually passes at the same rate.
In 1776, the border between Maryland and Pennsylvania was settled. Dubbed the "Mason-Dixon" line, it became the unofficial boundary between North and South.
In 1898, the United States took control of Puerto Rico one year after Spain had granted self-rule to the Caribbean nation.
1. Plymouth Rock is in what is now Massachusetts.
2. Head for Arizona to see the Grand Canyon.
3. Mount Rushmore is easily seen in South Dakota.
4. The images of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt were carved into that mountain under the gifted hands of Gutzon Borglum.
5. The USS Arizona can be found underwater at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, a victim of the aerial assault that brought the U.S. into World War II.
6. The first gold rush in America took place in what would some day be Georgia.
7. Take a trip to Colorado and you can visit that beautiful crest.
8. In 1998 Ellis Island was officially declared by the Supreme Court to be 90 percent in New Jersey with only 10 percent in New York.
9. The Liberty Bell is in a national park in Philadelphia in Pennsylvania.
In 2003, Pope John Paul II beatified Mother Teresa before hundreds of thousands of pilgrims packed into St. Peter's Square in Vatican City, the last formal step to sainthood
t is books that teach us to refine our pleasures when young, and to recall them with satisfaction when we are old.
How much wax is used to produce honey?
In a beehive, only one and a half ounces of wax are used to build a comb that will hold four pounds of honey.
In 1818, the United States and Britain agreed to establish the 49th parallel as the official boundary between the United States and Canada.
In 1992, one of Europe's leading environmentalists, Germany's Greens Party founder Petra Kelly, was found shot to death by her companion, Gert Bastian, who then committed suicide.
Swedish chemist and industrialist Alfred Nobel, inventor of dynamite and founder of the Nobel Prize, in 1833
How much will a tour of the White House set you back?
All tours of the White House are free. Public self-guided public tours permit visitors to move from room to room at their own pace; once inside the White House, most tours take about 15 to 20 minutes. Visitors usually walk along the ground-floor corridor and look through the doors of the Vermeil room and Library, walk upstairs to the State floor, and through the East, Green, Blue, Red, and State Dining rooms and exit from the north portico lobby. A U.S. Secret Service Tour Officer is stationed in each room to answer questions.
Is every continent both the first and the last?
The first letter of every continent's name is the same as the last: AmericA, AntarcticA, EuropE, AsiA, AustraliA, AfricA.
When difficulties are overcome, they become blessings.
How much does the brain move?
The soft mass of the adult brain is motionless. Though it consumes up to 25 percent of the blood's oxygen supply, it does not grow, divide, or contract.
In 1820, 10 years after mental illness forced him to retire from public life, King George III, the British king who lost the American colonies, died at the age of 82.
Which is the world's tallest waterfall?
The Salto Alto (Angel Falls) in Venezuela is the highest waterfall known. It is more than twenty times higher than Niagara.
How is a bluefin like a jet?
The bluefin tuna swims with its mouth partly open, relying on ramjet ventilation, unlike slower fish, which force water through their gills to remove oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Since seawater contains only about 2.5 percent as much oxygen it needs from the volume of water flowing through its mouth, the bluefin has proportionately one of the largest gill areas of any fish.
In 1848, the war between the United States and Mexico formally ended with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. It provided for Mexico's cession to the U.S. of the territory that became the states of New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Colorado and Wyoming in exchange for $15 million.
In 1913, the 16th Amendment, allowing establishment of an income tax, became part of the U.S. Constitution after ratification by Wyoming.
In the Roman notation numbers are denoted by capitals; as, I II III V X L C D M--1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000.
How long can a beard grow?
Beards are the fastest growing hairs on the human body. If the average man never trimmed his beard, it would grow to nearly 30 feet long in his lifetime.
My aim, then, was to whip the rebels, to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us. Fear is the beginning of wisdom.
Gen. sherman
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

First Trust Yourself
Everybody Daily Horoscope
You may feel uncertain about the underlying motives of the people around you and this might put you on your guard today. This sense of cunderstandable that you may be wary of others, the most important thing to keep in mind today is that trust begins within you. If you can believe in yourself and your feelings, you will find it easier to act more judiciously. Should you, for example, feel that you can’t fully place your faith in someone, try to listen to that feeling and then ask yourself what the best course of action will be. Learning to pay attention to your innermost self could help you develop the most important form of trust there is – in yourself.
Once we have confidence in our own feelings, we are more likely to do what is right for us. Even though it might make us feel badly that we can’t put our trust in another person, when we have such feelings, it often is a sign that something isn’t right. Rather than talking ourselves out of heeding our own instincts, we need to make certain that we truly take note of our senses and act accordingly. By trusting yourself first you will intuitively know whether or not to put your faith in those around you today. aution might stem from the fact that you have been hurt by people in the past and, because of this, you are less likely to trust them completely. While it is "wise and wit" to do so!
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